5 thoughts on “Enteprise RSS is not dead, it's still being born”

  1. Attensa has a perspective and skin in the game. “Enterprise RSS doesn't mean much. When vendors and solution providers emphasize secure communications channels that intelligently and automatically route relevant information to the people who need/want it, light bulbs start lighting up.

  2. Interesting dilemma – in my experience, companies often want to see other success stories before embracing new technology. In this case, I think there isn't a lot of evidence of success stories, and with so many technical challenges, not to mention stretched budgets in the current environment, it may take a while for RSS to get traction in enterprise environments.

  3. Good point. Older, more traditional companies do want others to take the lead and to follow best practice examples. RSS is now gaining traction, as you will see in my follow-up column today “Intranet RSS on the rise…) http://intranetblog.blogware.com/blog/_archives/2009/2/5/4082942.html
    However, it will be a year or two before its mainstream. An additional problem is the SharePoint hurdle: MOSS can't consume its own RSS feeds (authenticated feeds)… a third-party work around can be done however but it requires work… and of course there's the content issue, who's producing the content for the feeds?
    – Toby

  4. Yup. there are a lot of obstacles on this one – but it also has a huge potential impact if executed well. We're starting to investigate it for use on our intranet, but need an email upgrade to a newer version with a reader built in, and/or a browser upgrade, to make it really viable.

  5. Great to read what you know about Enterprise Readers. Getting the right software is a major hurdle. Not sure exactly what you were saying about what Marshal Kilpatrick said (and I don't have time to read, sorry, truth) but I appreciate your insight.
    I'm reflecting on the culture, and wondering how to even begin to explain 'subscribing to a feed' to people who hate computers full stop! http://kilobox.net/967
    I will have to think about how our IT department will react to the 'need' for a Reader too…

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