Intranet 2.0 is cheap. It's so cheap that small organizations, non-profits, miserly Fortune 500 types, and even cash-strapped communications departments can afford it. The results may not always be spectacular, but the cost of entry is rather cheap.
Final results from the the Intranet 2.0 Global Study (525 organizations of all sizes from across the globe) reveal that 47% of organizations of all sizes spend between no dollars and $10,000 on intranet 2.0 tools. And while the percentage of organizations spending under $10k is larger in small organizations, 30% of large organizations (revenue of more than $500 million per year) spend $10k or less on their social intranet tools.
While 20% of organizations of all sizes spend $100,000 or more on social media tools (8% spend $500,000 or more), a near plurality of organizations spend close to nothing on social intranet tools. One such organization is OcГ©.
Océ is a very large (more than 22,000 employees) multi-billion dollar printing company (based in the Netherlands) that realized the financial benefits of a social intranet. Amidst the 2008 recession, Océ faced a severe decline in sales (resulting in a €500 million loss in revenue) and a growing number of layoffs. Subsequently, the intranet budget declined from 350,000 Euros to only 5,000. Rather than build a new intranet, Océ’s intranet team implemented free, open source solutions and an enhanced corporate news service on the existing home page—all on a shoestring budget.
In this webinar, I discuss the prevalence of intranet 2.0 tools, drawing on the final results of the Intranet 2.0 Global Study, introduce a couple of new intranet 2.0 case studies, including ThomsonReuters and Siemens. I'll be joined by Océ’s Ria Breuer, Global Intranet Manager, and Jan van Veen, Manager Internal Communications, who will walk you through the redevelopment of their intranet, a look at their intranet today, and recommendations for cost-saving tips.
Register now for the Intranet 2.0 on a budget webinar (June 9, 2010)
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