Intranet Best Practices (Back Issue)

A lot has been made in the past couple of years about intranet best practices and what are some of the norms, universal standards and typical costs.

Of course, there is no easy answer. Every company is different and there are huge degrees in difference between varying industries, corporate cultures, differing technology, etc.

When recently asked to speak about the subject at a 2-part conference in New York and Chicago I developed the “5 Winning Ingredients for a Successful Intranet.” Again its worth stating that it depends on the company — what already is working at one company may not necessarily be working well at another and therefore an independent assessment is necessary to determine the “5 most important ingredients” or focus for an intranet or portal.

However, there are some universal truths that I've learned from working with and observing the work of many dozens of corporate intranets and portals.


Top 5 favorite ingredients:

5 – Simplify

Number one user complaint: