Protecting your goods
Can anyone set-up an intranet site in your company? However they want, whenever they want? Yes, yes and yes is the standard answer at most companies. Believe it or not. A couple of weeks ago I talked a …
Intranet sprawl and renegade development (back issue) Read More »
One of the keys to success for retailers such as Dell and Wal-Mart is inventory control. Knowing what inventory or products they have, how much of it, and how it relates to customer demand (e.g. what are they buys, when …
A web user or reader has one overarching priority: speed. Speed may kill on the streets but on the web
How secure is your intranet? The IT department has likely has gone to great lengths to protect financial and customer systems and databases but have they applied the same rigor to the intranet or portal? Intranets and portals have …
Did you know that IBM had about 10,000 intranet sites and it has taken years to reduce this to about 6,000 intranet sites?
A clever and obviously well funded high school in Price Hill, Ohio is demonstrating some clever innovation. According to The Price Hill Times (Elder's digital studio allows endless creativity), Elder High School is using a state-of-the-art production studio to produce …
Cutting-edge school broadcasts via the intranet Read More »
An interesting read yesterday in the Seattle Times on the evolution of search engines and how they are