Web 2.0 is content that matters
Yes, the blogosphere and
Yes, the blogosphere and
(TORONTO, ON) According to an inter-generational survey of workers, the younger generations of workers are set to dominate the workforce, but have slightly different motivations. The study reveals that by 2012:
Prescient's Jed Cawthorne discusses the time and place for SharePoint (MOSS): Microsoft's SharePoint technologies have their sweet spots in that they definitely fulfill specific requirements for certain use cases within the bigger picture of varied information management scenarios. However, MOSS …
As I highlighted last week in Web 2.0 not a priority for CIOs, the adoption rate of social media is surprisingly low given the adoption by every day consumers. Here
We humans are social creatures. With rare exception, we strive to relate, converse and connect with others. Social networking promotes online communities of interests and activities that promote connections between users in a more open and robust manner than simple …
The single most credible survey I
The whole world often seems full of unfathomable jargon, and no one tops the information technology industry for its love of the Three Letter Acronym (TLA). Two TLA's that cause much confusion in our industry are CMS and ECM. Although …
Beware of Facebook! It will crush your productivity and hijack your employees! While we
The force is with Scotland