Beehive builds buzz at IBM

Innovation and collaboration takes many forms at ‘Big Blue,’ including countless Intranet 2.0 tools such as thousands of wikis, blogs and the increasing popular Beehive. Beehive is akin to Facebook, but slightly different. It is an employee social networking site. …

Beehive builds buzz at IBM Read More »

Intranet 2.0: A must-have

There are a number of reasons why a corporation or a not-for-profit should adopt Intranet 2.0 tools.В  Enhancing communications and collaboration with employees, and improving employee investment and retention are primary considerations. But there’s another more pressing need: snooze or …

Intranet 2.0: A must-have Read More »

The pros and cons of SharePoint

FOR THE LATEST ON SHAREPOINT 2010 SEE: SharePoint for ECM: 5 big enhancements UPDATE: Introducing SharePoint 2010: learnings from SPC09 SharePoint continues to be at the center of much of the intranet buzz