Linking employee health to the intranet
A study by Hospitals & Health Networks ( has found that the United States
A study by Hospitals & Health Networks ( has found that the United States
The Center for Media Research reports that professional workers are spending more and more time searching for information. The survey, HotTopics: 2001 vs. 2005: Research Study Reveals Dramatic Changes Among Information Consumers, commissioned by Outsell, reveals that professionals on average …
Despite all the hype about blogs and wikis, content management continues to a major driver of the corporate intranet. And productivity continues to be the principal driver for both intranet and content management. Just this morning I had a …
In his May 23 column Jakob Nielsen talks about intranet design and how more and more intranets are beginning to look alike.
(Contribution from Catherine Elder) Your boss, usually in passing, tells you
The first phase of the Government Secure Intranet (GSi) covering 350,000 public servants in 154 central government departments in the United Kingdom is complete. The first phase, completed last week, lets the government sharing information across government departments and …
Security researchers have found a way to use JavaScript to map a home or corporate network and attack connected servers or devices, such as printers or routers. The malicious JavaScript can be embedded in a Web page and will …
JavaScript opens doors to browser-based attacks Read More »
(TORONTO, ON) Not only has it not lived up to the hype, but personalization via the corporate intranet portal is massively expensive to implement. In The future of portals at the turn of the year, I espoused the need …
(TORONTO, ON) It seems that nearly every company I talk to is in some form of