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Great intranets are rarely done solely in-house. There
Consumer generated media (CGM) is transforming the Internet. While the intranet is lagging behind, the effect of consumer generated media or user generated content will follow and similarly transform the enterprise intranet. How is the demand for interactivity affecting …
Lotus is still a very prevalent and common intranet platform. In fact, it might be the most common platform in a highly fractured marketplace that includes custom built, portal products, content management systems, e-commerce engines, etc. John Roling has …
I love wikis. I love the concept of wikis. I love the potential for enterprise wikis on the corporate intranet. However, wikis are not reinventing the intranet. In fact, very few organizations have an enterprise wiki on the intranet. …
Has anyone not heard of a wiki? No, not the exotic New Zealand bird… A wiki is a server program that allows users to collaboratively contribute content to a website. Editing is done in your web browser using a …
Aussie guru James Robertson has written a very precise and succinct piece to describe a successful intranet. 10 words to describe successful intranets is a great list: Innovative Trusted Productive Useful Pervasive Usable Essential Collaborative Coherent Strategic There
Nearly two years since InfoWorld proclaimed 2004 the