3 thoughts on “Digg sucks”

  1. I often read this blog but never commented before. I use del.icio.us to the max, google reader, netvibes, funky RSS stuff etc. etc. but I never ever got Digg. Kind of felt I ought to use it, tried once even, got fed up and left it well alone. Hope I beat the clones to it.
    Having said that I have pulled the odd RSS feed from it for accidental discovery of interesting stuff but find link sites like del.icio.us work much better for this.

  2. Thanks for the comment, Chris. I can see you are obviously a highly savvy web user and technology follower. I'm glad to see that I'm not the only person that has had problems with Digg — I know there are many, many more of us. Perhaps this will spur Digg to finally fix those highly glaring errors.
    Here's a completely different take on why “Digg sucks” from Drew Mckinney:

  3. Reddit and Stumbledupon are similar to digg. You might give them a try. They are very different from del.icio.us because they are all about popularity and sharing. I see del.icio.us as being primarily for personal use with occasional sharing with friends (networks).

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