Intranet ROI

Everyone talks about ROI. Almost all companies want and demand ROI, but when it comes down to measurement, most roll over. Talk is cheap, intranets are not.


A 2003 study of 240 intranet managers and consultants undertaken by Prescient Digital Media revealed that only 6% of organizations undertake ongoing, specific measurement of the ROI of their intranet. Occasional measurement is undertaken by only 26% of organizations and 51% either do no measurement, don

3 thoughts on “Intranet ROI”

  1. Seems employee management is getting more and more important every year for the maximizing of profit. And that's a company's goal: to make more money with fewer expenses. The best solution for this case would be signing an agreement with a payroll company like Arizona Payroll Company.

  2. Wow, really great article. I have done so much research trying to find a lucid, clear article that explains how to find value from an intranet and Toby did an amazing job. Thanks!

  3. My pleasure. Although I don't have the hard statistics, my estimate is that 98% of all ROI articles have no ROI cited, listed or referenced.

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