The intranet is dead. How many times have we heard this tired, uninformed complaint or false prophecy in the past 10 years? Too many, which coincidentally is equal to the number of half-wits out there that don’t know any better.

Yes, the intranet is sick, under-funded, under-used, under-appreciated, and perhaps even вЂmostly dead’ in many companies. But as Miracle Max (The Princess Bride) so poignantly put it in terms that even children can appreciate, “It just so happens that your friend here is only MOSTLY dead. There’s a big difference between mostly dead and all dead. Mostly dead is slightly alive.”
Remember when Amazon was going to kill the book store? And the Kindle was going to kill the book? And when George W. Bush was going to get us all killed? Yes, all are alive, and doing quite well (well, the book store has seen better days, but it’s in the middle of its own sickly evolution).
Yes the intranet, though sick, is still most alive – and getting better thank you (albeit slowly). He’s been sick for a while, and a lot more liquid cash is required to bring it to its true health but there’s a glimmer of hope…
Read my full column The intranet isn’t dead – it’s evolving (Social Media Today)