What every intranet team should know

Two's James Robertson has released a handy new paperback book, “What
every intranet team should know for only

is the definitive ‘quick start’ guide to intranets, providing
intranet teams with a to-the-point overview of how to plan, design,
manage and grow intranets.

beautifully printed A5-sized 110-page book, this volume covers key
topics for every intranet team:

  • Six
    phases of intranet evolution

    • 1:
      The intranet is born

    • 2:
      Rapid organic growth

    • 3:
      Repeated redesigns

    • 4:
      Intranet usability

    • 5:
      Useful, not just usable

    • 6:
      Business tool

  • Four
    purposes of the intranet

  • How
    to find out what staff need

  • How
    to design the intranet

  • How
    to deliver great content

  • The
    role of the intranet team

  • How
    to plan intranet improvements

teams have time to read a weighty tome on intranets, and what is
needed is a clear ‘map’ for delivering a successful intranet.
Drawing on experience from intranet teams across the globe, every
page of this book provides key insights, ideas, models and

every intranet team should know” is perfect for a first-time
intranet manager, an inexperienced contributor, or for someone who is
just plain stuck or frustrated with the lack of direction for their
intranet. The book is a short read, and a good value at only $US89 –
a great bang-for-the buck, how-to resource for intranet managers and

is, quite deliberately, a slim volume,” says author James
Robertson. “We have distilled our knowledge to a few key concepts,
to get you kick-started on the journey to a remarkable intranet.”

& purchase What
every intranet team should know for only


2.0 becomes mandatory Open Webinar
(July 21, 2009, 12 pm EDT)

a nice-to-have or a future wish, Intranet 2.0 tools such as blogs,
wikis and other vehicles have become mainstream, and are present in
nearly 50% of organizations (regardless of size) in the Western

open, free webinar will review the findings of the Intranet 2.0
Global Survey and offer attendees a chance to learn why 2.0 has
become an imperative, and what to consider / plan when implementing
these social media tools.

your spot for Intranet
2.0 becomes mandatory Open Webinar
