Intranet case study: McDonald
How do you connect 1.6 million employees, franchisees and suppliers in 118 countries? Build a really big, scalable intranet portal. In 2001, McDonalds looked to build a new enterprise intranet that included multiple sites in multiple languages. Other needs …
The double-edge sword of blogging (and freedom of speech)
Live by the sword; die by the sword. It
Flog you
Flogs are funny. Flogs demonstrate just how dumb some people can be. How do these people ascend to the jobs they have?!? Do they really think they can get away with it?!? Flogs are defined as a
Intranet Podcast: Portals & Enterprise 2.0 (August, 2007)
The Intranet Podcast by Toby Ward, from Prescient Digital Media, for the month of August 2007. This podcast is brought to you by and is 22 minutes long. This week Toby discusses portals and Enterprise 2.0. Specifically: The …
Intranet Podcast: Portals & Enterprise 2.0 (August, 2007) Read More »
The Internet is Dead, Long Live the Intranet
The headline from a republished column on DMW written by web aficionado, maverick blogster and Dallas Mavericks owner Mark Cuban.
Equality amongst intranet search engines
Not all search engines are created equal
Targeted attack yields intranet and website passwords, says report
Mysterious, unidentified sources are behind some very targeted attacks of employees of the U.S. government, some defense contractors and other companies in the transportation industry. According to a report in the Washington Post, Government, contractors hit in targeted attack, …
Targeted attack yields intranet and website passwords, says report Read More »
10 things to ask your intranet consultant
There are many intranets that have been built in-house by the organization