
Twitter Useless

Twitter rendered useless

An explosive start that even surpassed Facebook’s stratospheric launch; highly-used by an incredibly engaged audience; simple, and free. What potential… spoiled. Twitter has become a nearly useless tool, overrun by chatter and incoherent missives of daily nonsense, overt narcissism, and celebrity …

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Twitter explodes, reaches intranet

Barrack Obama has 282,000 followers (though his minions have only Tweeted on his behalf a mere 2x since the election); Shaquille O'Neal has 93,000 followers; and I have a mere 210 after four months of active

Motrin suffers Web 2.0 headache

The Motrin Moms crisis sparked by a controversial Motrin ad on their website has provided some interesting lessons on how companies must learn to adapt. In short, Motrin ran an ad that summarized said,