Intranet case study: Perkins Eastman

The fist annual Intranet Innovation awards celebrate new ideas and innovative approaches to the enhancement and delivery of intranets. Perkins Eastman is the first Gold award winner for communication & collaboration.


Perkins Eastman is a major architectural firm with a clear need to share knowledge between staff located in widely dispersed offices. Practice Area Communities (PAC) were setup on the intranet to share staff expertise, and exchange both explicit and tacit knowledge. This in turn helps drive innovation across the organization as a whole.



Top level structure for a Practice Area Community (PAC), showing the major resources and sections.


The purpose of each Practice Area Community (PAC) is to enable knowledge sharing between individuals; across project teams, studios, offices, and practice areas; and the entire international organization. The knowledge that is transferred at each of these levels enables Perkins Eastman to evolve into an industry leader.


Each PAC contains key information on a key subject such as

1 thought on “Intranet case study: Perkins Eastman”

  1. Web publishing allows 'cumbersome' corporate knowledge to be maintained and easily accessed throughout the company using hypermedia and Web technologies. Examples include: employee manuals, benefits documents, company policies, business standards, newsfeeds, and even training, can be accessed using common Internet standards terenuri cu utilitati

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