4 thoughts on “Open source myths”

  1. The article you link to shows 7 open source myths. Unless I'm seeing double, Pro-open source myth #2 is the same as Pro-open source myth #3.
    P.S. How've you been Mr. Ward?

  2. Wow – a blast from the past! Nice catch Bob! It is however correct as prepared by Seth — he's combined two into one (the theory being hackers and hobbyists are seperate bodies… of course this is all semantics). So depending on how you count, there are actually 7 or 8 myths… but who's counting?!? Oh wait, what about those hackers that are ALSO hobbyists…?!?!?
    Bob, drop me a line and let me know how you're doing and what you're up to… Cheers, Toby

  3. Actually, I meant this one: Pro-open source myth #2: open source makes software better & Pro-open source myth #3: open source makes software better.
    Being as you'd written about open source, I was kind of curious what the considered myths were. I enjoy your commentary, when I get a sec I'll drop you more of personal line.

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