Converting paper forms to intranet forms
Despite the advances in technology and the potentially massive benefits and impressive ROI accrued from converting paper-based forms to online submission, many intranets still host a majority of their forms in MS-Word and PDF. James Robertson writes in Automating …
Poor intranet policy management could lead to lawsuits
A new poll from a vendor shows that nearly 50% of UK organisations could be leaving themselves open to litigation through managing their corporate policies primarily on the intranet (see Businesses warned over use of intranet). I could not …
Poor intranet policy management could lead to lawsuits Read More »
Nokia's bad business is good communications
Scandinavian cell phone maker Nokia recently reported record-breaking fourth quarter results. The company is making money hand over fist (approaching $6 billion in 2006). Senior management is predictably getting big bonuses this year. However, employees are not getting the same …
5% of a site delivers 25% of the value
“The Long Neck is where the business case of your websites lies. It is the small, crucial set of tasks and content that your customers really come to your website for,” writes Gerry McGovern in Do you know your long …
Intranet is key to good HR
The value of a really good intranet is considerable and immense. While usage, ROI, and employee satisfaction are typical and traditional performance measure for the intranet, the intranet is also leading to improved retention and job satisfaction. At HCL …
Social media: are you in?
How pervasive are social media tools (such as blogs and podcasts) becoming? Here are some of the numbers (taken from my CNW seminar series Social media (Web 2.0): are you in?):
Sales intranets needed
(CALGARY, AL) Do you have a strong sales intranet, but would like to enhance it by learning how other sales intranets are delivering value? I'm looking for, on behalf of a client, organizations that have a strong sales intranet or …